Content Retainer Packages

Elevate Your Business Success with Bassett Film Co

Welcome to Bassett Film Co, your trusted partner for content retainer packages. Our comprehensive packages offer the perfect solution for businesses seeking consistent, high-quality content. Maximize your brand's impact and engagement with our expert team. Discover the benefits of having a content provider on retainer.

Packages and Pricing

Choose from our tailored content retainer packages to suit your specific business needs. Our packages are designed to provide a range of content formats, posting frequency, and dedicated support on a monthly basis. Contact us for detailed pricing information and customization options.

  • Long Form Video - 1

    Short Form Video - 4

    Photo - 4

    Schedule Shooting - 1 ½ Days

    Creative Direction - Consulting 1 project

    Social Media Management Calendar

    Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, YouTube


    Management of 1 Platform + Strategy (multiple platforms available)

    Caption/Copy Creation

    Content/Graphic Creation

    7 posts/week

    Content +Hashtag research

    Feed curation

    Keyword optimization

    Content calendar

    20-Minute Daily Engagement

    Monthly Analytics report

    $1,500 - $2,750 per month (varies based on selected package & plan)

    Our Content Retainer Packages are on two different terms: 3-MONTHS or 6-MONTHS.

  • Long Form Video - 2

    Short Form Video - 8

    Company Events - 1 Video OR Photos

    Photo - 6

    Schedule Shooting - 2 Days

    Creative Direction - Creative Director 1 project


    Management of 1 Platform + Strategy (multiple platforms available)

    Caption/Copy Creation

    Content/Graphic Creation

    7 posts/week

    Content +Hashtag research

    Feed curation

    Keyword optimization

    Content calendar

    20-Minute Daily Engagement

    Monthly Analytics report

    $3,000 - $3,850 per month (varies based on selected package & plan)

    Our Content Retainer Packages are on two different terms: 3-MONTHS or 6-MONTHS.

  • Long Form Video - 2

    Short Form Video - 12

    Company Events - 1 Video & Photos

    Photo - 8

    Schedule Shooting - 2 ½ Days

    Creative Direction - Creative Director of all projects


    Management of 1 Platform + Strategy (multiple platforms available)

    Caption/Copy Creation

    Content/Graphic Creation

    7 posts/week

    Content +Hashtag research

    Feed curation

    Keyword optimization

    Content calendar

    20-Minute Daily Engagement

    Monthly Analytics report

    $5,500 - $6,700 per month (varies based on selected package & plan)

    Our Content Retainer Packages are on two different terms: 3-MONTHS or 6-MONTHS.

  • Long Form Video - 3

    Short Form Video - 16

    Company Events - 1 Video & Photos

    Photo - 14

    Schedule Shooting - 4 Days

    Creative Direction - Creative Director of all projects

    Marketing - Digital Marketing


    Management of 3 Platform + Strategy

    Caption/Copy Creation

    Content/Graphic Creation

    7 posts/week

    Content +Hashtag research

    Feed curation

    Keyword optimization

    Content calendar

    20-Minute Daily Engagement

    Monthly Analytics report

    $11,000 - $17,000 per month

    Our Content Retainer Packages are on two different terms: 3-MONTHS or 6-MONTHS.



  • Cost Control

    Setting a budget allows you to have better control over your expenses. By determining the amount you are willing to invest in a content provider, you can ensure that the costs align with your overall marketing and business objectives. This helps you avoid overspending and maintain financial stability.

    Predictable Expenses:

    Having a set budget provides predictability. You know in advance how much you'll allocate for content creation, allowing you to plan your finances accordingly. It helps in avoiding sudden surprises or unexpected costs, ensuring your budget remains intact

    Strategic Resource Allocation

    With a predetermined budget, you can strategically allocate resources for content creation. This includes determining the number of posts, reels, videos, or other content formats you can produce within your budget. It helps you prioritize the most effective content types and allocate funds accordingly.

    Return on Investment (ROI) Analysis

    A set budget allows you to measure the return on investment for your content creation efforts. By tracking the performance of your content in terms of engagement, conversions, and business growth, you can evaluate the effectiveness of the content provider's services. This analysis helps you make data-driven decisions for future budget allocations and optimize your content strategy.

    Transparent Partnership

    Having a defined budget helps foster a transparent partnership with your content provider. It allows both parties to have clear expectations regarding the scope of work, deliverables, and associated costs. This transparency builds trust and facilitates effective communication, ensuring that everyone is on the same page.

    Long-term Planning

    A set budget enables long-term planning for your content strategy. It allows you to establish a sustainable partnership with the content provider, knowing that you have allocated funds for a specific period. This long-term approach promotes consistency, continuity, and a stronger brand presence in the long run.

  • Diversified Content

    With a content provider, you have access to a team of professionals dedicated to creating a wide variety of content. They can generate engaging posts, compelling reels, informative videos, and more. This diversification allows you to produce a larger volume of content across multiple platforms simultaneously

    Consistent Output

    Having a content provider on retainer means you have a consistent stream of content being created. They can develop a content calendar, ensuring a regular cadence of posts, reels, videos, and articles. This consistent output keeps your brand active and relevant, capturing the attention of your audience.

    Enhanced Efficiency

    Content providers are skilled at optimizing their workflow. They have streamlined processes, tools, and resources to efficiently produce content. By leveraging their expertise, you can achieve a higher volume of content within shorter timeframes. This efficiency allows you to maintain a consistent presence while freeing up your time for other business tasks


    When you invest in a content provider, you can easily scale up your content production. As your business grows, you may need to increase the volume of content to reach a larger audience or expand into new markets. With a content provider on retainer, you can scale your content production to meet these demands without sacrificing quality.

    Maximizing Platforms

    Each social media platform has its own content requirements and best practices. A content provider understands these nuances and can tailor content specifically for each platform. By maximizing the potential of each platform, you can increase your content volume effectively.

    Repurposing and Recycling

    Content providers are skilled at repurposing and recycling existing content. They can transform a blog post into an engaging video, create social media graphics from an infographic, or turn a podcast episode into bite-sized clips. This approach allows you to leverage your existing content to generate a higher volume of diverse content pieces.

  • Time Savings

    Content creation can be time-consuming, requiring brainstorming, planning, creation, editing, and scheduling. By having a content provider on retainer, entrepreneurs and business owners can offload these tasks to professionals who specialize in content creation. This saves them significant time, allowing them to focus on core business activities and priorities.

    Consistent Content Deliver

    A content provider on retainer ensures consistent and reliable delivery of content. They take care of the entire content production process, including ideation, creation, and scheduling. Entrepreneurs and business owners can rely on the content provider to meet deadlines and maintain a steady flow of engaging content without the need for constant oversight.

    Streamlined Workflow

    With a dedicated content provider, entrepreneurs can streamline their workflow. They can collaborate with the provider to establish a content calendar, set clear objectives, and define content requirements in advance. This reduces last-minute rushes and improves overall efficiency, allowing entrepreneurs to have a more structured and organized schedule

    Strategic Planning

    Content providers work closely with entrepreneurs to understand their business goals and target audience. They assist in developing a content strategy that aligns with these objectives. By outsourcing content creation to a provider, entrepreneurs can rely on their expertise to develop a strategic plan, freeing up their time to focus on other important aspects of their business

    Increased Productivity

    By delegating content creation to a provider, entrepreneurs, and business owners can boost their productivity. They can dedicate their time to activities that directly impact business growth, such as client acquisition, strategic planning, and networking. With content creation off their plate, they can work on high-value tasks and make the most of their schedule.


    As businesses grow, content demands may increase. By having a content provider on retainer, entrepreneurs can scale content production without overburdening their schedule. Providers can handle higher volumes of content creation, adapt to evolving business needs, and ensure a consistent content output even during periods of growth or expansion.

  • Brand Identity and Recognition

    Consistency in content creation ensures that your brand's identity remains intact across all platforms. A content provider understands your brand guidelines, voice, and aesthetics, and incorporates them consistently into every piece of content they create. This helps reinforce your brand's image and facilitates recognition among your target audience.

    Regular Engagement

    Consistent content keeps your audience engaged. When you have a content provider on retainer, they can establish a regular posting schedule, ensuring a steady stream of content reaching your audience. Regular updates and engagement with your audience foster trust, loyalty, and sustained interest in your brand

    Reliable Expectations

    When your audience knows what to expect from your content, they are more likely to engage with it. A content provider can establish a consistent tone, style, and format that aligns with your audience's preferences. This reliability creates anticipation and encourages repeat visits and interactions with your content.

    Algorithmic Favorability

    Many social media algorithms favor consistent content creators. Platforms like Instagram and YouTube reward accounts that consistently publish high-quality content by promoting their content to a wider audience. By investing in a content provider on retainer, you can maintain a consistent posting frequency and increase the likelihood of algorithmic visibility and reach.

    Content Planning and Strategy

    A content provider works closely with you to develop a content strategy and plan. They can create a content calendar, ensuring a consistent flow of content that aligns with your marketing goals and key events. This planning helps you stay organized, eliminates content gaps, and ensures a smooth content production process.

  • Strategic Vision

    A creative director brings a strategic vision to your content creation efforts. They work closely with you to understand your brand, target audience, and marketing objectives. With their expertise, they can develop a cohesive creative strategy that aligns with your overall business goals. Their strategic guidance ensures that the content produced by the provider is in line with your brand's vision and resonates with your audience.

    Creative Direction and Guidance:

    The creative director provides direction and guidance to the content provider team. They collaborate with the providers to establish the visual style, tone, and messaging that best represent your brand. By overseeing the creative process, they ensure that the content aligns with your brand guidelines and maintains a consistent quality across all platforms.

    Innovative Ideas and Trends:

    Creative directors stay up to date with the latest industry trends, emerging platforms, and innovative content formats. They bring fresh ideas and creativity to your content strategy, helping your brand stand out from the competition. Their knowledge of industry best practices ensures that your content remains relevant and engaging to your target audience.

    Brand Cohesion

    The creative director plays a crucial role in maintaining brand cohesion across all content produced by the provider. They ensure that the content aligns with your brand's visual identity, messaging, and values. This consistency strengthens brand recognition, builds trust, and enhances the overall brand experience for your audience.

    Collaboration and Communication

    Creative directors act as a bridge between your brand and the content provider team. They facilitate effective communication, ensuring that your feedback, ideas, and expectations are effectively conveyed to the providers. This collaboration streamlines the content creation process and ensures that your vision is accurately translated into compelling content.

    Quality Assurance:

    The creative director oversees the quality assurance process, ensuring that the content meets the highest standards. They review and provide feedback on the content produced by the providers, ensuring it aligns with the agreed-upon strategy and objectives. Their attention to detail and creative expertise contribute to delivering content that is visually appealing, engaging, and effective.


Sign UP

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.